What does a complete citation look like?


It varies by publication style but the guidance below should be enough information to cover most styles and most used publication types.

Citing a publication type not mentioned below? Contact us (library@coh.org or 626-218-7497 or ext. 8-7497).

  • Journal articles
    • Fields to include: author(s), year, article title, journal title, volume, and pages
      • For some styles, the issue number can be incorporated into the citation.
      • For ePubs ahead of print, there is typically no volume, issue, and pages. In those cases, a digital object identifier should be used, if one has been assigned.
  • Books
    • Fields to include: author(s), year, title, place published, and publisher
      • For some styles, the number of pages should be incorporated into the citation.
      • For some books, there are multiple editions. In those cases, it is customary to include the edition number.
  • Book chapter or sections
    • Fields to include: author(s) of chapter/section, year, chapter/section title, book editors, book title, chapter/section page range, place published, and publisher
    • For some books, there are multiple editions. In those cases, it is customary to include the edition number.
  • Web sites or web pages
    • Fields to include: author or organization of page, year created and/or last updated, title, date you accessed the page, and URL
  • Last Updated May 03, 2022
  • Views 21
  • Answered By Jeanette Duffels

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